Thursday, October 06, 2005

T Minus 3...Last Minute Preparations

It's starting to come down to the wire on the marathon preparations. I'm long past the point of adding any fitness - so now's the time to rest, hydrate, fuel, stretch and make sure I've got all my gear ready.

I've been somewhat anxiously monitoring the weather forecast for Portland this weekend. The Portland marathon site proudly touts that it has only rained once on race day in the past 24 years, so when the forecast last week called for showers, I was a little worried. Of course, by now the forecast is ready partly cloudy with a high of 66 - near perfect. :) Let's just keep that going....

Now the question becomes what to wear? Shorts of course (and I know which pair) and a short sleeve shirt - a long sleeve would just get too hot over the course of the race. But looking at the hour by hour trends and the projected low for race day, its probably going to be in the upper 40s at race time, so gloves are definitely going to be in order. My plan is to pick up a couple pairs of cheapy lightweight running gloves today - the kind that are easy to tuck into the band of your
Fuel Belt or even pitch on the side of the road if you so desire. One pair for me, one pair for Jason. I may even pick up some extra GU too - so that we have plenty to mix in our bottles.

Tomorrow I'll pack everything up - socks, shorts, tops, Body Glide (lots of Body Glide!), shoes (don't forget those!), hat / visor, gloves, GU, fuel belts & flasks, sunscreen. That's one thing I will definitely remember - after my experience on Robie Creek, I will make sure to wear sunscreen. You forget how long you will be out there on the course - and even if I'm not likely too see too much sun in Portland, I'm not going to take any chances. Also in the bag we'll make sure to have Band-aids, Ibuprofen, Rolaids (for Jason's tummy), and gum. I'll probably even bring my own bananas!

I'm feeling pretty ready. I've done 2 light jogs this week at marathon pace (9:30s ) and was able to keep my HR average at 120 bpm. Pretty good. Lots of stretching. I've been getting great sleep too - I went to bed at 10:30 last night and slept until 7 this morning - pretty much unheard of for me.

Found out this morning that my former sister-in-law Susan may come down to Portland to cheer us on. Susan's done Portland 3 times I think now - at least 2x and she did the Marine Corps marathon with her sister Mary last year. So it will be very cool to have someone we know on the sidelines and at the finish line.

I'm excited. I'm anxious. I'm ready. :)

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