Thursday, October 06, 2005

Marathon Advice

from BOISERunWalk founder Steve Blake:

Intentionally plan on having fun, and focus on what has worked for you during your training distances. Get good sleep beginning several days prior. You might not sleep well the night prior.

Divide the race into five parts (adjust the miles to your liking):

1. slow warm-up for the first 6 miles. Going out slow enough to soak in the event, the people, the sounds, the excitement. Enjoy this stage of the race event as a party... a slow party of huge magnitude.

2. cruise control from 6 to 16. Hit a groove, settle into a sustainable, even pace where mind and body are in-sync, in a zone. Focus on smooth technique, stride, rhythm, heel-to-toe and monitor your breathing. You need a cruise pace that is smooth and easy for a solid 10 miles.

3. recalibrate from 16 through 22+. Now it's becoming work. Monitor your vitals, calculate your progress, run some numbers on energy and pain levels, and adjust up or down your pace... or keep it the same cruise pace. Recalibrate.

4. finish strong. Just how bad do you want this! Well guess what? You got it baby. It's all yours, you own it and you are the hero. Be the hero, and ask yourself what's important the last 5 miles, 4 miles, 3 miles, 2... 1.... Whatever you decide is important these last miles, drop the hammer at some point prior to the finish line, and finish strong!

5. Post-race..... you just crossed the finish line... now immediately find someone to hug, and spill the emotions of 27 weeks of training and 26.2 miles of guts and glory. Grab your water, and fruits and post-race food ASAP, and head back to the finish line to watch the drama of human endeavor unfold across the line, one athlete at a time. Cheer them on! Absorb the love and pain. Thank the Lord.

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